Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas

woke up very late, taking advantage of our break. messed around with my fish eye at first for a couple minutes and then went to visit my grandma at this old people home thing. on the way there i saw a house burning down, gotta suck considering it is christmas. when i first got there i saw my grandma, she was so happy. then i went to the basement and messed around with the birds. things were so pissed. they kept on trying to bite me. after that i spent some more time with my grandma and brought her to the lunchroom...i ended up bringing food to half the old people there because the people there were super slow and seeing all the hungry people gave me the vibe. haha. then i left after that and messed with the shutter speeds. but now im super tired so merry christmas everyone.

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